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"Proceedings of Korean Studies in Russia» (ISSN 2218-5305) publishes articles of professors, lecturers and students of higher educational institutions of Russia, CIS countries, and foreign countries on topical issues of Korean Studies – history, politics, economics, sociology, linguistics, literature, art and culture, as well as methods of studying and teaching the Korean language, and other disciplines related to Korean Studies.


Articles are published in Russian, English and Korean.


The publication is carried out under the overall supervision of the International Center for Korean Studies of Moscow State University (ICFKS of MSU), and the Russian Association of University Korean Studies (RAUK), with financial support from the Korea Foundation (Republic of Korea).


Editor-in-chief: Dr. Andrey Vozdvizhensky

Executive editor: Dr. Anastasia Pogadaeva.


Rules of providing articles:


“Proceedings of Korean Studies in Russia” is open to discussion papers, so its contents do not necessarily reflect the views of the founders and the editorial board. Authors are responsible for the choice and the accuracy of facts, quotations, economic and statistical data, personal names, and other information, as well as the use of data not intended for the press.


At a reprint the reference to the journal is required.


Requirements for the text format:

  • Microsoft Word;

  • fonts: Times New Roman 12 pt, Batang 12 pt for Korean;

  • line spacing 1;

  • no automatic hyphenation;

  • fields 3 – 3;

  • no styles;

  • embedded Word tables;

  • foot notes;

  • illustrations should be sent as separate files in .jpg format;

  • no page numbers;

  • maximum amount of the manuscript: 12-14 A4 pages.


Requirements for articles:

  • Text should be submitted on CD or usb-flash drive (or be sent to the email address of the editorial board ) in MS DOC or RTF format.

  • Diagrams, drawings, and other illustrative material should be sent as separate files.

  • Romanization: McCune-Reischauer system.

  • Article must contain the following elements:

a) abstract (200-300 words), and keywords (10 words / phrases) in Russian (if possible) and English languages;

b) information on all authors - first name, last name (in full), scientific degree, academic rank, full name of institution and its structural unit, contact phone number and email address of the author;

c) links to cited works should be made in the text as footnotes. Please, use the The Chicago Manual of Style sample (, and APA style for resourses in Korean;

d) bibliography at the end of the article in alphabetical order.

  • It is also necessary to apply a review article by a skilled researcher, indicating degrees, titles and coordinates of the reviewer.

  • Review must be submitted by email (from the reviewer's address) or in print.


Please, remember that ignoring the above-mentioned requirements may significantly complicate the process of publishing your article.


Fee for publication is neither provided not charged. Manuscripts are not returned. Reviews are not sent.


Materials for publication should be sent to:


Submissions for the next ussie (vol. 14) are welcomed till January 31, 2024.




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